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College of Community Science, SKRAU, Bikaner
Brief History of the Degree Programme
College of Home Science now College of Community Science came into existence on September 01, 1988 and was housed in two small rooms occupied Krishi Vigyan Kendra at college of Veterinary and Animal Sciences. Shri S.P. Purohit, the then Registrar and O/I, KVK RAU, Bikaner was the founder of Home Science College. KVK was operative at Bikaner since 1983 and two training assistants with PG degree in department of Home Management and Extension Education Department working at KVK, were given the responsibility of taking classes at College. It was shifted to its own building at SKRAU campus Beechwal, Bikaner. Later on, the UG programme was reoriented to four year B.Sc.(Honours) Programme with one year of professional skill oriented courses and internship training in one of the areas of Home Science in 2001. PG in department of Food and Nutrition was started in the session 1995- 96 while in department of Extension Education was started in the year 2000. Ph.D. courses were started in Department of Extension Education and Food & Nutrition in 2005 and 2006, respectively. Nomenclature of the College of Home Science was changed to the College of Community Science in year 2021.
Academic programmes offer
Bachelor of Science
i. B.Sc. (Honours) Community Science
ii. B.Sc. (Honours) Food Nutrition and dietetics
Master of Science
iii. M.Sc.(CSc) Food and Nutrition
iv. M.Sc.(CSc) Extension Education and Communication Management
v. M.Sc.(CSc) Human Development and Family Studies
vi. M.Sc.(CSc) Resource Management and Consumer Science
Doctorate of Philosophy
vii. Ph.D (CSc) Food & Nutrition
viii Ph.D (CSc) Extension Education and Communication Management
Fees and admission process:
In B.Sc. (Honours) C.Sc Programme the intake capacity of students is 68+12 =80 (Jet +ICAR).In M.Sc. C.Sc Programme, the intake capacity of students varies from 4 to 6, whereas in the Ph.D. pogamme the intake capacity is 1 to 3 in each department. Admission to UG, PG & Ph.D. progammes is made through Joint Entrance Test (JET), Pre-PG & Pre Ph.D. Test, respectively. Students from other states are admitted through the All India Entrance Examination (AIEEA) conducted by Indian Council of Agricultural Research, New Delhi.
College fees per semester including hostel fees.
UG Programme : 21590/-
PG Programme : 28320/-
PhD Programme:31080/-
* 18 laboratories in all 5 departments equipped with various modern infrastructural facilities.
Library with 5000 books, 74 e-books, 42 journals, 436 thesis, information resources viz., CeRA, Krishi Kosh.
Modern ICT facilities viz., 22 internet connections within campus.
Smart Class Rooms for teaching.
Video Conferencing System
Separate internet connection for CeRA accessibility of journals.
Internet connectivity to PG hostels.
All departments, conference and seminar rooms facilitated with multimedia.
Hostels (3): separate hostel for girls and boys
The college has class rooms with modern instructional facilities and laboratories well equipped with state-of-the-art equipments and analytical facilities.The library has Book Bank facility and reprographic services.
The College has faculty strength of 07, All the faculty members are well qualified with research specializations in various fields of their respective subjects.
College is supported with adequate financial assistance by the Government of Rajasthan on a regular basis. The Indian Council of Agricultural Research, Government of India, New Delhi provides sufficient budget on annual basis for strengthening and development of teaching and infrastructure facilities,
During the past 36 years, the college has made notable contributions in producing high quality human resource at B.Sc. (Honours) CSc. and B.Sc. (Honours) FnD, M.Sc. and Ph.D. levels. Many of the students have occupied high positions in their profession and contributed to agricultural growth in various parts of the country.Number of publications from the research work of post graduate students have been made in journals of national and international repute.
Community Science provides various carrier options as journalists, teaching personnels, interior decorators, apparel designers, counselors, dieticians etc with the mission to provide an opportunity to graduates to acquire knowledge as well as skills and empower them for effective role performance and management of resources at micro and macro level to meet the challenges of technological advancement .Following are the major academic accomplishments of the college.
Since inception of the college 1652 students have been granted with Under Graduate, 574 students Post Graduate, 44 students Doctor of Philosophy. Children, 518 have passed out from Laboratory Nursery School.
The college has acclaimed 36 years of teaching and extension at Under Graduate level and 29 years of teaching, research and extension at Post Graduate level.
Producing empowered Community Science graduates and enabling them to be great teachers, extension workers, researchers and entrepreneurs.
Faculty of this college works hard to maintain good standards of teaching and are working in various state and national level committees as experts, advisors for the promotion of Community Science.
To engage with local communities to address their specific needs and challenges, such as sanitation, hygiene, healthcare access, and environmental sustainability. To impart education in all fields of community sciences.
To undertake research in agricultural science and allied fields for the inclusive and sustainable development of all stakeholders.
To empower individuals, especially women and marginalized groups, with knowledge and skills to make informed decisions, enhance their self-esteem, and improve their quality of life.
To disseminate agro technologies and undertake mass educational programmes especially for rural people of Rajasthan for development of sustainable livelihood in agriculture and allied activities.
To encourage the adoption of sustainable practices in home management, such as waste reduction, energy conservation, and eco-friendly alternatives, to contribute to environmental conservation,
To Advocate for policies and initiatives that promote the well-being of families, communities, and the environment, and empowering individuals to be agents of positive social change.
To undertake such work, activity or project as the university may deem proper in order to achieve the objectives for which it was established.
Empowerment: Empower individuals and communities to actively engage in scientific exploration and practical applications in their everyday lives, whether it in understands broader scientific concepts or managing household tasks effectively.
Quality of Education: Improve and sustain quality of Agricultural Education and develop
human resource for competing with emerging challenges in Agriculture
for livelihood security and sustainable development
Education and Awareness: Promote science literacy and practical knowledge related to home management, nutrition, health, and environmental sustainability through accessible and engaging educational programs and resources.
Community Building and Collaboration: Foster collaboration and networking among individuals, families, community organizations, scientists, and experts to co-create knowledge, share resources, and address local challenges collectively.
Health and Well-being: Improve the overall health and well-being of individuals and communities by promoting evidence-based practices related to nutrition, hygiene, safety, mental health, and family dynamics.
Lifelong Learning and Personal Development: Support lifelong learning and personal development by offering continuous education, skill-building opportunities, and resources that empower individuals to thrive in their personal and professional lives.
In order to reach the goals and achieve the objectives, the college is involved in all the three major activities viz., Teaching , Research, & Extension Education. All these three activities are being taken care of and are executed by the college.
Profile of institutes/ Unit
Available facilities
Number of students ( Programme wise)
(UG/PG/Ph.D./Diploma /Others)
Food and nutrition -7
Extension Education and Communication Management -11
Food and nutrition -5
Extension Education and Communication Management -9
Boys Hostel -69
Girls Hostel-84
Intellectual property related
Training programme
Office E-mail Address : chsc.bkn@gmail.com
Office Phone No. : 0151-2250692
Website : www.chscraubikaner.org