The Directorate of Student’s Welfare Office
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Directorate of Student's Welfare
The Directorate of Student’s Welfare Swami Keshwanand Rajasthan Agricultural University Bikaner was established with the aim to plan and organize the co-curricular activities for the students at inter collegiate and inter university level. The main objectives of this directorate are to coordinate different activities of sports, literary, cultural, moral education, placement and counseling to facilitate the overall personality development and inculcate the basic values among the students of the university to groom them as a good citizen of the country.
According to the mandates of the Directorate of Student’s Welfare, ample opportunities are available for the students to express their creative urge through these co-curricular activities.
The University Sports Board is acting as an instrumental source in catering the needs of regular games and sports activities for the students for all the colleges. The Board has identified different games and sports for both, boys and girls and developed the infrastructural facilities for the above in the university campus. The Board is organizing Annual Inter-Collegiate Tournaments constituent colleges of the University. It is also organizing the selection trials and coaching camps for the selection of University Teams for participation in West Zone Tournaments as well as All India Inter Agricultural University Sports & Games Meet held at different places of the Country
every year and sponsored by the ICAR.
These activities includes Quiz, Debates, Elocutions, Arts and Crafts, Music, Folk Dance, Songs and Drama events besides other
Personality Development and Professional competence. The College-wise units are organizing the Literary and Cultural Activities of the students in the form of inter classes or inter houses Literary and Cultural Competitions. The Directorate is organizing the inter collegiate youth festival selection trials & coaching camps for participation in Inter Agri. Unifest held at different places of the Country every year. Hindi Saptah is also being conducted by this office for all students and teaching & non teaching staff members of the university. Various other professional lectures, scientific debates, discussions, exhibitions and essay writing competitions, under the literary activities and the cultural activities are aimed to providing a forum for drama, music, dance and singing talents among the students of this University.
Two units of NSS are functioning in the two constituent Colleges of the University under the guidance of NSS Programme Officers. Regular and Special NSS camps are being organized by each NSS Unit, in terms of different educational, social, developmental, community service programmes at Campus and Villages. The special training programme on different social problems like AIDs etc. are also being organized by these units as per the directives of the Department of Youth Affairs & Sports, Government of India and NSS Regional Centre, Jaipur from time to time. Besides regular activities of cleanliness, blood donation, shramdan, tree plantation in the campus, these units are also being engaged in social and community works in their adopted villages. Important weeks and national days like World Breast Feeding Week, International Youth Day, NSS Day, and International Literacy Day, etc. are also celebrated by these units. All the NSS activities at University and College level are being monitored by the DSW as a NSS Coordinator.
One platoon of NCC is functioning at the College of Agriculture, Bikaner under the leadership of NCC Officer. Regular parades and training are organized for the NCC Cadets by the units at College and Cadets are also participating in annual training camps organized by NCC authorities successfully. The cadets are also performing well in the Republic Day and Independence Day functions presenting Guard of Honour to the Guests and March Past in the direction of NCC, Officer and DSW.
The objective of moral education forum is to inculcate the basic moral values and ethics amongst the students and staff of the University. The forum is functioning under the supervision of Coordinator and Incharge at University and college level, respectively. The Forum has arranged many lectures of the eminent educationists and social workers for the benefit of the students and staff.
The Directorate is conducting the election of college bodies and central students union through CR, system and also supervising the Students’ Union Activities to allow them to work in a democratic manner to solve the genuine problems of the students and to bridge the gap between the students and University administration through Central Students Union Advisor.
The Directorate also conduct the election of members of the Academic Council of SKRAU, Bikaner in every two years for the teaching faculty.
The student advisory system has been found very useful in enabling the new students to adjust to the new environment of the University. Similarly, the Orientation Programme for students is organized just after the admission of the students to acquaint them with various aspects of the University and infrastructure facilities available in various colleges of University. The placement cells are working in different units and the DSW is also providing the information about different employment agencies.
The Directorate is conducting the Vice-Chancellor running trophy tournament of various games for non- teaching staff of various units of the university every year.
Several regular activities like Republic day, Independence Day, Gandhi Jayanti, University Foundation Day, Yoga Shivir and other functions are also organized by the Directorate as per the direction of the university administration.
The Directorate is conducting the election of college bodies and central students union through CR, system and also supervising the
Students’ Union Activities to allow them to work in a democratic manner to solve the genuine problems of the students and to bridge the gap between the students and University administration through Central Students Union Advisor.
The Directorate also conduct the election of members of the Academic Council of SKRAU, Bikaner in every two years for the teaching faculty.
The student advisory system has been found very useful in enabling the new students to adjust to the new environment of the University. Similarly, the Orientation Programme for students is organized just after
the admission of the students to acquaint them with various aspects of the University and infrastructure facilities available in various colleges of University. The placement cells are working in different units and the DSW is also providing the information about different employment agencies.
The Directorate is conducting the Vice-Chancellor running trophy tournament of various games for non- teaching staff of various units of the university every year.
Several regular activities like Republic & Independence Day, Gandhi Jayanti, University Foundation Day, Yoga Shivir and other functions are also organised by the Directorate as per the direction of the university administration.
Due to covid-19 pandemic in the current session the Directorate of Student’s Welfare has conducted several activities of students as well as NSS volunteers like, Hindi Chetana Saptah, Importance of Yoga in COVID-19 pandemic, Birth Anniversary of Rashtrapita Mahatma Gandhi and former Prime Minister Sh. Lal Bahadur Shastri, National Agriculture Education day, N.S.S Day, Constitution Day and workshop on Swachhta, Sanitation, Water Conservation, Waste Management and
Energy Conservation through online mode.
The Directorate of Student’s Welfare Office
SKRAU Team for West Zone Inter University Kabaddi (Men) Tournaments-2023
SKRAU Team for West Zone Inter University Badminton (Women) Tournaments-2023
SKRAU Team for West Zone Inter University Table Tennis (Women) Tournaments-2023
Inauguration of Inter collegiate tournaments of 2023-24
College of Agriculture, Bikaner overall Champion in ICT Tournaments-2023-24
Inauguration of 22nd VC Running Trophy Tournaments-2023-24
ARS, Bikaner overall Champion of 22nd VC Running Trophy Tournaments-2023-24
Performance during Inter Collegiate Youth Festival-2023-24
Closing Ceremony of Inter Collegiate Youth Festival-2023-24
Prize distribution of Inter Collegiate Youth Festival-2023-24
Prize distribution of Inter Collegiate Youth Festival-2023-24
Director Student Welfare
Office E-mail Address : dsw@raubikaner.org
Office Phone No. : 0151-2250926