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SKRAU 88002-D


IGNOU Learner Support Centre

activated in SKRAU



Proper activation and appointment

of Co-ordinator



Present Coordinator Dr. Dataram Kumhar ( vide letter no.


Sept.2023/05.10.2023 )


Courses activated
  1. CWHM (Certificate in Water Harvesting Management)

  2. MSCFSQM (M.Sc Food and safety Quality Management)

  3. PGDFSQM (PG Dip. In Food and safety Quality Management)

  4. DNHE (Diploma in Health and Nutrition)


Courses activated (in process)
  1. MSCDFSM (MSC in Dietics and Food services management)

  2. MSCENVS (MSc Environment Science)

  3. COF (Certificate in organic Farming)

  4. CDM (Certificate in Disaster management)

  5. DECE (Diploma in Early Child hood Care)

  6. DACM (Diploma in Agriculture Cost management)

5. BSCFSQM (Bachelors Degree in Food and safety Quality Management)


Univ. Teaching/Research scholars recommended as Counselors (Proposal Sent) MSCFSQM/PGDFSQM

  1. Dr. Mamta Singh

  2. Dr. Namrata Jain

  3. Dr. Roopan Gupta

  4. Mrs Divya Raghuvanshi


  1. Dr. Parimita

  2. Dr. Nisha


  1. Dr. Manju Rathore

  2. Sihka Kapoor

  3. Komal Singh


  1. Dr. Rajendra Jakhar

  2. Dr. Sushil Kharia

  3. Dr. Suresh Kumawat


  1. Dr. Vikram Yogi

  2. Dr. Shrish Sharma


Recent Activities Practical Counsellling sessions for MSCFSQM held at CCS , SKRAU from 22.04.24 to 02.05.24.

Seminar Session Organized for MSCFSQM held at CCS , SKRAU from 18.05.24

MBA (Agri business Management)


Passed Bachelor Degree of minimum 3 years duration with at least 50% marks (45% in case of reserved categories)

Rs. 15500/- per semester for 1st, 2nd and 4th semesters

Rs.17500/- for 3rd semester (3rd semester has an 8 credit project)

Registration and Development fee as applicable

July 2024 session से admission शुरू है, लास्ट डेट 31 अगस्त 24 है

Link : https://ignouadmission.samarth.edu.in/
Link : http://www.ignou.ac.in/

Master of Business Administration (Agribusiness Management), MBAABMprogramme fosters managerial skills and provides need-based education to enhance efficiency and increase livelihood security. The programme aims to enhance profitability in agriculture and allied sectors and improve the socio-economic conditions of stakeholders by inculcating business management practices.

To generate competent business professionals in agriculture, food, rural, and allied sectors.
To encourage startups and entrepreneurship among farmers, intermediaries and traders in the agri-business chain.
To equip business professionals with specific managerial skills.
To develop expertise in the management of techno-commercial aspects of agribusiness.
To impart knowledge and expertise to agri-business managers to deal effectively with national development plans, agricultural policies and global trade.

MBA News