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Academic Council
Ex-Officio Chairman | Dr. Arun Kumar |
Members | |
Dean, Post Graduate Studies | Dr. (Mrs.) Dipali Dhawan |
Dean & Faculty Chairperson, College of Agriculture, Bikaner | Dr. P.K Yadav |
Dean, College of Agriculture, Sri Ganganagar | Dr. Vijay Prakash |
Dean, College of Agriculture, Hanumangarh | Dr. Hanuman Ram |
Dean, College of Agriculture, Mandawa (Jhunjhunu) | Dr. S.M. Kumawat |
Dean, College of Agriculture, Chandgothi (Churu) | Dr. B.S. Meena |
Dean, College of Community Science, Bikaner | Dr. (Mrs.) Vimla Dunkwal |
Director, Land Scaping & Revenue Generation, SKRAU, Bikaner | Dr. Data Ram Kumhar |
Director of Research (Ag), Bikaner | Dr. P.S. Shekhawat |
Director of Extension Education,Bikaner | Dr. Subhash Chandra |
Director, I.A.B.M.,Bikaner | Dr. I.P Singh |
Director, Students Welfare, Bikaner | Dr. Veer Singh |
Director, Prioritization, Monitoring & Evaluation,Bikaner | Dr. Yogesh Sharma |
Director-DHRD, Bikaner | Dr. A.K. Sharma |
Section 29 (8) (g) All Heads of departments not below the rank of Associate Professor Faculty of Agriculture |
Deptt. of Agronomy | Dr. P.S. Shekhawat |
Deptt. of G&PB | Dr. P.C. Gupta |
Agriculture Ext. and Communication | Dr. Subhash Chandra |
Deptt of Agri. Chem. Soil Sc. | Dr. Yogesh Sharma |
Deptt. of Plant Pathology | Dr. Data Ram Kumhar |
Dept. of Agril. Economics | Dr. Data Ram Kumhar |
Deptt. of Animal Production | Dr. N.S. Dahiya |
Deptt. of Statistics | Vacant |
Deptt. of Biochemistry | Vacant |
Deptt. of Entomology | Dr. H. L. Deshwal |
Deptt of Agril. Engg. | Er. J.K. Gaur |
Deptt. of Plant Biotechnology | Dr. A.K. Sharma |
Deptt of Horticulture | Dr. P.K. Yadav |
Deptt of Plant Physiology | Vacant |
Deptt of Nematology | Vacant |
Faculty of Community Science |
Deptt. of Foods & Nutrition | Dr. (Mrs.) Vimla Dunkwal |
Deptt. of Home Sci. Ext. and Communication Management CCSC., Bikanerr | Dr. (Mrs.) Neena Sareen |
Deptt of RMCS | Vacant |
Deptt of HDFS | Vacant |
Deptt of Textiles and Appreal Designing | Vacant |
Faculty of Agri-Business Management | |
Director, IABM, Bikaner | Dr. I.P. Singh |
Section 29 (8) I (h) Two Internal Members of Extension Prog. not below the rank of Assoc. Prof. nominated by Vice-Chancellor |
Professor ARS, Sriganganagar | Dr. B.S. Meena |
Professor (CAS), College of Community Science, Bikaner & Dean PGS | Dr. (Mrs) Dipali Dhawan |
Section 29 (8) I (i) Two Assoc. Prof. &Four Asstt. Professors (Elected) |
Assoc. Professor | Vacant as on 03.12.2021 |
Assoc. Professor | Vacant as on 03.12.2021 |
Asstt. Professor | Dr. M. L. Reager |
Asstt. Professor | Vacant as on 03.12.2021 |
Asstt. Professor | Vacant as on 03.12.2021 |
Asstt. Professor | Vacant as on 03.12.2021 |
Section 29 (8) I (j) Two External Members nominated by the Vice-Chancellor |
External Member | Prof. A.K. Srivastava, Vice-Chancellor, Uttar Pradesh Pandit Dean Dayal Upadhyaya Pashu Chiktsa Vigyan Vishwavidyalaya Evam Go-Anusandhan Sansthan, Mathura-281001 (UP) Email : duvasuvc@gmail.com |
External Member | Prof. M.S. Gill Ex-Director Extension Education, Punjab Agricultural University Ludhiyana- 141004 |
Section 29 (8) I (k) Registrar of the University Member Secretary |
Member Secretary, Registrar | Dr. Deva Ram Saini |
Invite Member | |
Comptroller, SKRAU, Bikaner | |
Controller of Examinations, SKRAU, Bikaner | Dr. R.S. Rathore |