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Board of Management
Section 29 (7) (1) I Ex-officio Chairman | Dr. Arun Kumar Vice-Chancellor, SKRAU,Bikaner SKRAU Campus, Bikaner (O)0151-2250488, 2250443 |
Section 29 (7) (1) II (a) Two persons nominated by the Vice-Chancellor from amongst the Deans, Associate Deans and Directors | Dr. Data Ram Kumhar Director, Land Scaping & Revenue Generation, SKRAU, Bikaner |
Dr. Vijay Prakash Dean, College of Agriculture, Sriganganagar. |
Section 29 (7) (1) II (b) Two Professors of the University nominated by the Vice-Chancellor | Dr. S.R. Yadav Professor (Agri. Chem& Soil Science and ZDR, ARS, Bikaner. |
Dr. Yogesh Sharma Professor (Head Deptt. of Agri. Chem. & Soil Sc) & Controller of Examinations, SKRAU, Bikaner |
Section 29 (7) (1) II (c) Two persons nominated by the Vice-Chancellor from amongst the teachers other than Professors, Dean, Associate Deans and Directors | Dr. Narendar Singh, Assoc. Professor (Plant Pathology) ARS, Bikaner |
Dr. Mamta Singh Assistant Professor (Food & Nutrition) College of Community Science, Bikaner |
Section 29 (7) (1) II (d) Two eminent educationists nominated by the Chancellor | Prof. N.C. Gautam, Former Vice-Chancellor, Mahatama Gandhi Chitrakoot Gramodaya Vishwavidyalaya, Satna |
Shri Babu Lal Juneja, President, Guru Govind Singh Charitable Trust, R/o. : Khushal Nagar, Chak 7 STG, Near Toll Plaza, Suratgarh Road, Hanumangarh (Rajasthan - 335801) |
Section 29 (7) (1) II (e) One eminent Scientist who has achieved distinction in agriculture nominated by the State Government: | Vacant |
Section 29 (7) (1) II (f) One progressive farmer nominated by the State Government | Vacant |
Section 29 (7) (1) II (g) One member of the State Legislative Assembly nominated by the Speaker | Vacant |
Section 29 (7) (1) II (h) One nominee of the Indian Council of Agricultural Research | Dr. Seema Jaggi, ADG (HRD) Agricultural Education Division ICAR, KAB-II, Pusa, New Delhi- 11001 |
Section 29 (7) (1) III Ex-officio Members | Secretary Agriculture, GOR, Jaipur 0141-5103626 |
Secretary Animal Husbandry GOR, Jaipur 0141-2227717 |
Secretary Higher Education GOR, Jaipur 0141-2227142 |
Secretary, Finance, GOR, Jaipur | |
Director of Agriculture GOR Jaipur 0141-2227089 |
Member Secretary | Dr. Deva Ram Saini Registrar, SKRAU, Bikaner Member Secretary 0151-2250025 |
Nominated Member by Finance Deptt. GOR, Jaipur | Divisional Commissioner Bikaner 0151-2226043 |